Conhagen: Safety is core to how we conduct our business

Conhagen is committed to providing an Accident/Incident injury free working environment for its employees. To this end, Conhagen will take whatever reasonable steps necessary to minimize the physical and health hazards its employees may encounter in their work environment.

Safety is a core value for how we conduct our business. Our work performance is based on completing work safely, a successful job is successful only if the work is completed without accidents/incidents, injuries, or any other action detrimental to individual workers, our work place, and the community.

To achieve this goal, we will be proactive by looking ahead, analyzing the job for potential hazards BEFORE starting the work. We will investigate all injuries, accidents, and incidents to develop corrective action based on the investigation results. Employees of Conhagen go through drug screening in order to ensure a “Drug Free” work place.

Safety First Newsletter

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