EngineeringPump ReratesCADEquipment InspectionFinite Element analysisReverse EngineeringRotordynamic AnalysisCMMPMI GunRotordynamic analysisTurbine Rerate Conhagen Engineering Expert Engineering Services For Pumps From ConhagenUnique engineering solutions to specific pump problems. Conhagen has experience with essentially every pump manufacturer and model used in the oil and gas operations (up, down, and middle streams), the power generation stations (fossil fuel, nuclear, combined cycle, and co-generation) and municipal services (water distribution, flood water control, canal, and sewerage). Some are exotic applications, some are downright ugly, but most are mundane, simple machines. Questions/Quote? Talk to Us! Not being an OEM is a distinct advantage… Conhagen is free to apply ‘best in class’ solutions to all products in all applications. Conhagen engineers integrate the latest and greatest computer codes for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (stress and heat transfer), and rotordynamics with 50 years of hard core rotating equipment design to develop unique solutions to specific problems. Conhagen Engineers are not hidden away in the ‘back room”. Customers work directly with the engineers to define problems, identify the root cause(s), consider various solutions then implement the ‘best’ solution. Conhagen provides all manufacturing drawings (including materials, heat treat and processes), general arrangement and sectional drawings, and O & M manuals to the customers. After all, it is your product.