EngineeringPump ReratesCADEquipment InspectionFinite Element analysisReverse EngineeringRotordynamic AnalysisCMMPMI GunRotordynamic analysisTurbine Rerate Rotating equipment repair and field service Conhagen maintains a full-time field service department to meet the on-site needs of its customers. Our supervisors manage crews consisting of millwrights, machinists, welders, and helpers, as required for each job. Questions/Quote? Talk to Us! Our service capabilities include the following: Equipment inspection and evaluationPump, turbine, and compressor overhaulEquipment removal and installationLaser alignmentConventional alignmentField balancingVibration monitoringField machiningPickup & deliveryTurnaroundsCapital Project WorkRedesignRerate comp/turbinesFabrication/partsPartsCustom Made ShimsSealsBearingHydraulic BoltingFlange Makeup/Gasket Replacement24 hour/day – 7 day/week service Questions/Quote? Talk to Us! Each field crew is fully supported by our repair shop and engineering operations as required for job completion. No Caption No Caption