Experienced Facility Maintenance services from Conhagen

Experienced, skilled Conhagen craftspeople for everyday support

Conhagen provides experienced, skilled craftspeople for everyday support at our customer’s facilities to keep their projects moving. Through our maintenance contracts we are allowed the flexibility to match our manpower to the fluctuation of our customers work requirements. This not only allows you to expand your workforce but to call on Conhagen’s specialized experts at a moment’s notice.

Conhagen Maintenance Contract Skilled Craftspeople:

  • Supervisors
  • Millwrights
  • Machinists
  • Welders
  • Pipe Fitters

Each field crew is fully supported by our repair shop and engineering operations as required for job completion.

Contact us to experience how Conhagen can support your maintenance requirements.

Keep Moving With Conhagen

Whether it’s repairs, upgrades, or maintenance, we’re here to help keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently. Select your nearest Conhagen location from the dropdown, fill out the contact form, and one of our knowledgeable representatives will be in touch shortly.